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Why do you need a Website for your company?

A website is a marketing tool that costs you ONE TIME and continues to pay you back. It expands your customer base, enhances your advertising and marketing efforts and gives your business a mark of credibility.

A website at its basic level tells millions of Internet users:

— Who you are, how you began, successes you've had, your reputation in the community.

— What your company has to offer — products and services

— How to find your location.

— The different ways to contact you (phone number, FAX, email, physical address)

— Special offers and upcoming promotions, new additions to products and services

— The Latest NEWS about your company

— What others are saying about you — Client / Customer testimonials.

A website gives you a higher number of potential customers to create a relationship with.When you consider the continual growth in numbers of Internet users and the growth of companies that are on the Internet, some of which may be your competitors. If internet users don't find you on the web, they'll seek out your competitors who have websites.